Friday, October 2, 2009

Some Random Stuff

The weights here aren't marked, so you have to guess sometimes how much you're lifting. This drives me crazy, since I have pretty specific goals. Also, lifting in kilos is hard because the jump from 5 kilos to 10 kilos is from 11 pounds to 22 pounds. No in between if you want to go up gradually.

When I was visiting Katie in the hospital, the doctor was going to come and check her out. When he came in he said, "Tom! How are you?" Everyone was pretty confused that we knew each other, but I'm not sure why.

I had another surgery for the kidney stone, and they gave me three times as many drugs as last time. Why? Because I was talking throughout the whole thing and it took them that much to knock me out. Wahaba won't tell me what I said, since I can't remember most of it, and that makes me kind of suspicious.

I tried to skype from school yesterday, and they turned the power off on me after class. Tried to get skype paid for at home, and it wouldn't accept payment. Finally got a hold of Molly by chat and sent her my skype info, and she logged in and paid for me using my bank information. Is that bad? I mean, is there a legal issue with that?

Also, I want to see how this works:

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures.

Oh, and I'm going to rock a dance party for the holiday coming up, very exciting.

1 comment:

  1. That cost calculator several overcharges people for Alex. It may as well have been made in Egypt. $216 a day. No way. And that's mid-range. Budget is $98? I could murder that. Seriously. Try $10 a day. Not the most fun, but do-able for the included prices.
