Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I've decided to start cooking more.

So has British Katie. You can (and should) read her latest blog post about it. She gives me a shout out, let's see if you can guess where.

Did you read her blog?


Because she just came upstairs and took two rocks out of our oven that used to be potatoes.

Thanks for dinner last night Katie!

Lesson... Learned.

So I work at the gym now.

I learned that it's a terrible idea to use the words I learned from the guys at the gym on my conservative female language partner.

I'm just saying.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Public Confession

I admit it. I stole something.

Does it count when you don't mean to steal?

When I was in Israel, Molly and I got a cab, and the driver was quite mean. After a while, he kicked us out, and he tried to drive off with our luggage in the trunk. I grabbed everything out of the trunk, and in my hurry I grabbed a hoodie that did not belong to us. In my defense, it was the color of Molly's jacket, and I was trying to get everything out in less than five seconds.

Anyway, I ran after him to give it back, but he was gone. Imagine if he had left with our stuff, how fast he would've made off with it.

So when I got back to Alex, I gave it to my landlady to give to an Egyptian version of Goodwill. Does that make it better?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Me in Siwa

You may have noticed how I pick myself up with my face in this video. Yes, that's my head hanging down while I'm trying to raise my arms. I love the desert.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Not going to lie: I don't have a ton to say.

I haven't blogged in a long time. And, maybe I have more to say than I thought.

Molly came to Egypt, and a cat bit her. We had to get her a rabies shot.

We also went to Israel, and almost avoided seeing any touristy churches. In fact, I think we only saw two (and we were there for ten days, one of those days being in Bethlehem).

Then I found a new love for Glee when Molly and I watched it in Alexandria. 'Cause that's what you do when you vacation in Egypt, right? Watch TV?

I can't wait to get to the States and get a job that makes a comfortable amount of money.

And finally, Hans Sweeting is one of my favorite people in the entire world. If we were playing Ultimate Frisbee right now, he'd say, "You're not going to touch the frisbee all night".

Oh, and pictures are worth a thousand words: