Monday, July 6, 2009

Second in the series of The Hospital Lectures

At the same visit as the earlier post, I was awaiting diagnosis in the doctor's office, away from the examination rooms. While there, a man came in and sat down with me, and several nurses and workers came in and out to talk to the doctor, and the phone rang the entire time and he answered it every time it rang. So it was pretty hectic, but I was missing class so the longer it took, the better.

So the man that came in and sat down had his blood work done right there in front of me and then he and the doctor got into a shouting match. They tried to yell each other down, and then each answered their phones in the middle of the argument while the other one kept right on yelling. Suddenly the doctor turned to me and prescribed the medicine without having resolved the yelling match.

I then wished peace upon both of them and made a hasty retreat.

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