Thursday, July 23, 2009

Night is a world lit by itself. --Antonio Porchia

I forgot in my Sharm al-Sheikh post to mention that on top of Mt. Sinai we saw several planets and shooting stars, and even a satellite or two. It is the first time I can remember seeing an orbiting artificial satellite with the naked eye.

How awesome is that?

Also, the carved steps in Mt. Sinai are called "The Steps of Repentance". What an appropriate name.


  1. That would be the most incredible thing ever, if only anything in this post were true!

  2. I guess you didn't come to my International Space Station viewing party, June 4, 2007, in Austin, TX. Did you not get the invite? We didn't have a mountain convenient, so we just went to the top of a local parking garage. For crying out loud, you don't need to go to the Middle East just to see "an orbiting artificial satellite with the naked eye."

  3. I should have known you'd find me here, William Jackson. It was inevitable from the start, but I kept running. How'd you do it? Was it the facebook links, the e-mails, or just the talk of everyone on the street? It looks like my days of anonymity have come to an end.

  4. Wow... I can't wait to go myself. I didn't know that it was that sweet.

  5. It's cool, but Siwa is a million times better.
