Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Forrest Gump Run

I wonder if any of you use my RSS feed to read these posts in Google Reader, or something similar.

If that's the case, and you're not a "follower" of my blog, please go to the actual blog and click on the option on the right to "follow" my blog.

Basically, I'm about to go to the hospital again and when I get back it would cheer me up to see people walking along this lonely road with me.

You're the best.


  1. Tom, not only do I subscribe to this blog vis RSS with Google Reader, but I am also a "follower". I love you that much.

  2. You didn't have to ask, because I was already doing them both.

  3. well, I am a follower, but unfortunely I don't know how im following....RSS something or other! sure!

  4. I RSS feed follow it from my igoogle page.


  5. I'm with Molly. I am following diligently, but I'm not quite sure how the following happens. Don't worry, Tom. I am right behind you.

  6. I am not following. Rather, I am leading you.
