Saturday, December 5, 2009


I've got a ton of pictures to post, and there's more to come when everyone sends in the last of the pictures. For now though, enjoy:

For Halloween, Melissa and I were awesome tigers

For Thanksgiving, Jacob bought a 28 lb. bird, and it came with the head

I thought I was original until I saw Jacob kissing the turkey too

Here we are in mixing Thanksgiving with No-Shave November

We had to have props for our beards, so mine was a girl (Thanks Nour!)

The last day

Exhibition day

I hope Robert never shaves this off

I hope this link works, because it's to a photo album on Facebook. That way, you can see all of the pictures of No-Shave November.

Also, I wrote this in the "Edit HTML" section of Blogger, like I always do, and if it weren't for cut and paste, wow, I don't know what I would've done. Please don't view this page's source, because it will make you cry.


  1. Oh my goodness, I just viewed my source (of the post, not the main page) and I nearly cried. If you dare to look, and I'm begging you not to, what is that huge mess with a script tag at the very bottom? It was terrible. Who can read that nonsense? Also, I wonder how this comment will change the source, but I don't want to look at it again, so I suppose the world will never know.

  2. I did view the source, and I did cry. Please, Tom, learn about the paragraph tag.

    <p>This is a paragraph</p>

    <br /><br />This is not a paragraph.

    Also, "Who can read that nonsense?"
    I can read that "nonsense."

  3. No, no, I know all about the paragraph tag. The problem is that I only write the content in the edit section, with minor tweaks to the html. It automatically puts

    because I hit enter twice. It's like training wheels, you think you're riding a bike, but really you're riding a four wheeler. It just lets me think that I can write html.

    And if you can really read that jumble of code that calls itself script, then hats off to you Dan Jones, hats off to you.

  4. What? Why won't it let me put < and then p and then > but it let you write that? Look at the break between my lines in the above comment to see what I'm talking about. Man, I got the shaft.

  5. Google lets you put some HTML in comments, so if you want it to show up as code, you have to put as something other than HTML tags. To make <p> show up, you have to put &lt;p&gt;.

  6. Thanks Dan Jones. You're clearly a good evil genius.
